County Road Standards Resolution
Exception:Subdivision roads, adjacent to city limits, shall meet the adjacent city’s street standards for curb and gutter construction, if applicable.
Developer Requirements:An individual or developer, herein known as “developer,” requesting the Board of County Commissioners, herein known as “the Board,” to accept a road or roads into the county transportation system, shall be required, at their own expense, to dedicate right-of-way to the County, provide proper construction of the road bed, base and surface material and provide proper storm drainage facilities, as required within these standards.This shall include all access roads from the subdivision, to existing County, State or Federal Highways and for all roads within the subdivision or development.
Design:All projects shall be designed, signed, and sealed by an engineer licensed in the State of Oklahoma. A copy of the roadway design plans and estimated construction cost shall be filed and approved with the Board prior to the start of any work.
Subsurface Investigation Testing:The developer shall contract the services of a geotechnical engineer to provide soil core testing of the proposed roadway project. An adequate number of soil borings shall be completed to provide a complete representation of the carious existing conditions. The subsurface investigation testing company shall provide recommendations to the design engineer on final roadway design and construction based on projected traffic use. A copy of the final subsurface investigation report shall be included with the construction documents submitted for approval.
Warranty of Improvements:Applicant shall be required to maintain the newly constructed roadway project for a period of two (2) years. Warranty shall commence on the date of final acceptance by the Board. The developer shall submit to the Board, in writing, his request for final inspection and approval. Applicant will be required to obtain a maintenance bond from a surety bonding company authorized to do business in the State of Oklahoma. The bond shall be payable to the Board in an amount equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the cost of construction. The duration of the maintenance bond shall be two (2) years from the date of final acceptance. The bond shall cover the defects in design, workmanship and materials.
All work shown within the approved construction documents shall be completed before the county will accept the work.
Exception:A developer may furnish a performance bond, from a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Oklahoma, prior to the completion of a road or roads within a subdivision. This performance bond shall be for one- and one-half times the estimated total road construction cost. The Board shall accept the road and maintenance upon completion of construction or utilize the full amount of the performance bond to construct the road at the end of a two-year period.
Maintenance:Roadways surface materials shall be maintained, by the County, at the condition of the roadway when accepted.
Surety Bond Requirements:The developer shall obtain a surety bond, from a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Oklahoma, in the amount of one and one half (1 ½) times the cost of the complete road project, as estimated by the design engineer and approved by the Board. Bond shall be payable to the Board. The bond shall remain in effect until final acceptance of the project by the Board. A copy of the surety bond shall be provided prior to the start of the work.
Exception to Standards:Site conditions or use may require variation to these standards as determined by the Board. Exceptions from the developer to these standards may be requested, in writing, to the Board. Request must provide detailed reason for variance, along with detailed final solution.
Compliance Inspection:All construction will be inspected, at the expense of the developer, by an engineer licensed in the State of Oklahoma, for compliance with the approved construction documents and the county road standards. Prior to the final acceptance of the work, a certified engineer’s report shall be filed with the Board stating compliance to the documents.
Right-of-Way:The County shall be assigned an easement for roadway and utilities prior to final acceptance of the work. Roadway easements, which are not in a platted area, will require a sixty-six (66) foot width. Roads within a platted area shall require a sixty (60) food width.
ODOT Approval:Roads connecting to any State or Federal Highway shall require the approval of the State Highway Department. A copy of the ODOT approval letter shall be filed with the Board when the Roadway Design Plans are filed.
Subdivision Roads:Roads at boundaries of the subdivision shall have provisions for connecting with existing and future street extensions in adjacent areas.
Design Standards:
- Provide a minimum of six hundred (600) feet between intersections involving a major road.
- No street shall intersect any other road at an angle less than seventy-five (75) degrees.
- The curb line or road edge radius, at an intersection, shall have a minimum radius of twenty-five (25) feet.
- The approach grade to an intersection shall provide a leveling area having not greater than two (2) percent slope rate for a distance of no less than sixty (60) feet, measured from the nearest right-of-way line of the intersecting road.
Side Drain and/or Drainage Ditch Construction:
- All details of construction shall conform to the Typical Section drawing attached to these standards.
- All areas shall be graded to avoid ponding of storm water in road or right-of-way areas or to avoid the drainage of storm water across roadway.
- Minimum size of driveway culverts shall be eighteen (18) inches in a diameter.
- The minimum grade of ditch sections shall be 0.5% to insure proper drainage.
- The minimum lateral clearance from the edge of the roadway to a hazardous object shall be six (6) feet.
- All drainage calculations, including drainage areas and culvert sizing, shall be provided as part of the construction documents as described above.
Cross Drainage Structures:Cross drain structures will extend four (4) feet past the driving surface with a concrete head wall or tapered (3 to 1 maximum slope) to the bottom of the ditch to prevent erosion.
Drainage Structures:All ditches and culverts shall be designed to accommodate the 25-year, 24-hour storm as developed by the Soil Conservation Service. Culverts shall be sized using the latest version of the “Hydrologic Design of Highway Culverts” report on FHWA-IP-85-15.
Road Grade:Maximum grade for major collector road shall be six (6) percent and ten (10) percent for local roads and minor collectors.
Material & Procedures:All materials and construction procedures shall conform to the requirements (standards) of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation Standards (current edition).
Road Surface:The typical road surface shall be in conformity to the DELAWARE COUNTY ASPHALT/GRAVEL ROAD/CHIP SEAL STANDARD.
Exception:Roadway surface in an industrial use area or heavy commercial areas shall be designed to accommodate projected traffic counts and loads. Heavier asphalt and base sections may be required within these areas. The Board may require additional design requirements based on specific site conditions.
Overhead lines:Overhead lines shall have a minimum clearance of twenty (20) feet above the highest portion of the roadway.
Underground lines crossing the road:Shall be placed in a casing per ODOT standards and shall extend to a minimum of the (10) feet past the edge of pavement on each side.
Curb and Gutter Type Construction:If used, concrete curb and gutter shall be constructed to comply with the City of Grove street standards and subdivision regulations.