Serves on the Board of County Commissioners, the chief administrative office of the county
Attends regular board meetings where county business is transacted
As a board member, approves and oversees county budget
As a board member, functions as the business manager of the county
Relies on the Office of the State Auditor and Inspector for guidance
Some content may be extracted from OSU Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet AGEC-802 and/or the County Training Program website. More complete information is available from these sources.
District #1 Road Crew
640 Rd.
A portion of 640 Rd. was paved June 7 to provide a smooth detour while Shundi Bridge is replaced.
East 250 Road
The Casino cutoff road in District #1 has been striped.
Cowskin Fire Department parking lot
Road work
Your tax dollars at work
Grove Christmas Parade
District 1 graders
First snow
District 1 working on roads during the first snow of the year.
Paving 340 Road
District 1 paved a portion of 340 Road Tuesday, Aug. 6