


County Office Fees

County Assessor


County Clerk

Documentary Stamp Tax

The tax shall be prorated at the rate of $0.75 for each $500.00 of the consideration or any fractional part thereof. See Oklahoma Statute Title 68 Section 3201 for additional details.

There will be an additional $10.00 preservation fee for EACH document filed.

Description Fees
1. Recording of Fictitious Name Partnership Certificates $15
2. For recording first page of Insurance Agent Liens $18
For recording each additional page of Insurance Agent Liens $2
3. Executions (Title 12, Section 909) $10
4. First page of Hospital, Medical and Personal Property Liens $20
Each additional page of same instrument $2
5. For furnishing photographic copies of records, per page $1
6. Federal Tax Liens (PLUS 10.00 PRESERVATION FEE) $10
7. For recording first page of State Tax Lien, Judgements and Releases $18
For recording each additional page of State Tax Lien, Judgements and Releases $2
8. For certifying to any copy per page $1
9. For recording each certificate for estrays and forwarding description of same $1
10. Mortgage Tax - Paid to County Treasurer (determined by length and amount of mortgage)  
11. For recording an Assignment of Tax Sale Certificate to be paid by the party purchasing $10
12. For recording plat of one block or less $10
13. For recording plat of more than one block $25
14. Additional fee for pages with over 25 legal descriptions per page (per description over 25) $1
15. For recording first page of mechanic's or materialmen's liens, including release $20
For preparing and mailing notice of mechanic's or materialmen's liens PLUS ACTUAL COST OF POSTAGE $5
For each additional page or exhibit $2
16. For recording any mark or brand and giving certificate for same $5
17. For recording the first page of deeds, mortgages and certain other non-conforming documents $35
For recording each additional page of a non-conforming instrument $10
18. For recording the first page of deeds, mortgages and certain other documents $18
For recording each additional page of same instrument $2
19. First page of all other liens $18
Each additional page of same instrument $2

County Treasurer

Description Fees
1. For issuing warrants for collection of delinquent taxes on personal property $10
2. For each certificate of redemption $5
3. For making tax deed, for the first track, including acknowledgment $10
For each additional tract in the same deed $0

Court Clerk

Description Fees
Third Offense $407
Improper Movement from a Direct Course (To enter private drive) (Driveway) $212
Failure to Obey a Lawful Traffic Control (Sign) (Signal)(Device) $212
Improper Neogotiation of a Rairoad-Highway Grade Crossing by a Commercial Motor Vehicle $212
Changing Lanes Unsafely $212
Improperly Crossing Center Dividing Section $212
Improperly Driving (Onto) (Off) Controlled-access Roadway $212
Failure to Stop for a Stop Sign $212
Failure to Stop/Improper Stop at a Railroad Grade Crossing $212
Violaton of License Restriction $212
Failure to Stop for a School Bus (Loading) (Unloading) Children $307
Operating a Motor Vehicle in a Manner Not Reasonable and Proper $257
Reckless Driving (First Offense Only) $455
Reckless Driving (Second or Subsequent Offense) $505
Impeding the Normal and Reasonable Flow of Traffic $212
Failure to Use Child Passenger Restraint System $235
Failure to Carry Security Verification Form $212
Operating a Motor Vehicle without a Valid (Operator's)(Chauffeur's) License $257
On premises which holds liquor license $707
Overload, Any Axle or Gross Weight $212
Endangerment of Highway Worker if no death or injury occurs $307
Endangerment of Highway Worker if injury occurs $707
Endangerment of Highway Worker if death occurs $1207
Operating a Motor Vehicle with an Improper Brake System $212
Failure to Wear Safety Belt $20
Operating a Motorcycle (Without) (Improper) (Windshield) (Googles) (Face Shields) $212
Failure to Pay all Taxes Due State $212
Unlawfully Transporting Open Container of Alcoholic Beverage in a Vehicle (Misdemeanor) $246
Operating a Vehicle without Current License Plates (Decal) $212
Failure to Signal Intention to Turn Right or Left $212
First Offense $257
Second Offense $307
Leaving child or vulnerable adult unattended in Motor Vehicle $0
Transporting Open Container in violation of 21 O.S. ยง 1220 $316
Drunk in a Public Place $206
Allowing a Passenger to Ride Outside the Passenger Compartment of the Vehicle $25
Illegal issue of Hunting and Fishing Licenses by an Agent $296
Use of Illegal Trotline or Throwline in taking of Game Fish and Non-Game Fish $221
Second Offense $696
First Offense $246
Fishing without Land owner's Consent $0
Second Offense $2196
First Offense $1196
Illegal Possession or Transport of Paddlefish Eggs $0
Illegal Netting, Seining, Spearing and Trapping Fish $296
Illegal use of Explosives and Devices for Taking Fish (First Offense) $696
Illegal Entry in to Safety Zone $206
Illegal Netting, Seining, Trapping - Mesh Size $296
Violations of Commercial Minnow Dealer Operations $296
Violation of Commercial Fishing License,Contract or Helper Permit distance and direction of Seines or Nets $296
Illegal Possession of Game Fish by Commercial Fisherman $296
Illegal Nets, Gigs, Seines, and Spears $296
Illegal Raising/Confinemet, of Furbearers (Except Mink), Game Mammals,Game Birds, Game Fish or Minnows outside the Location Set Out in the Breeder's Application $246
Molest, Kill, or Possess Endangered Species $696
Illegal Possession of Wildlife not Legally taken $696
Illegal Hunting of Deer, Antelope, Bear, Buffalo or Wild Turkey $696
Slaughter or Sale of Deer or Antelope $696
Molest or Kill Hawk,Falcon, Owl or Eagle $221
Illegal Taking of Squirrels $221
Illegal Transport of Minnows $296
Use of Illegal Equipment or unmarked Vehicle by Commercial Minnow Dealer $296
Illegal Possession of Quail After Previous Conviction $221
Assisting in a Commercial Turtle Harvesting Operation without a License $296
Hunting without a License (Non-Resident) $396
Hunting without a License (Resident) $221
Dealing, Buying or Bartering in Furs without a License $446
Fishing without a License (Non-Resident)_ $246
Fishing without a License (Resident) $221
Field Trial without a License $221
Falconry without a License $221
Commercial Breeding of Wildlife without a License $696
Wanton Waste $296
Hunting/Holding Wildlife in Captivity without a Commercial Hunting Area Permit $696
Illegal taking of Turtles for Commercial purposes without a License $296
Diversin of Minnow or Fish to other Tributaries by Blocking or Partially Blocking Stream or River $396
Illegal Purchase, Transport or Export of Aquatic Turtles without a License $696
Commercial Fishing without a License/Trasporting or Sale of Fish without a Commercial Fishing License $296
Violation of Resident Commercial Fisherman's License $296
Making a False Statement/Giving False information to obtain a Permit/License $221
Making a False Statement to obtain Permit/License $221
Failure to Carry License/Make available for Inspection $221
False Representation by a Person that he/she is an Agent of the Commission $296
Refusing to Stop a Vehicle or Boat when requested by a Game Warden $296
Violation of Wildlife Commission Regulation $206
Releasing Exotic Fish without Permit $221
Violation of Commericial Turtle Harvesters Operation $296
Entering licensed commercial hunting area without permission $221
Illegal Transport of Rabbits $221
Kill or Capture any animal or bird by any means except as provided by Law $296
Illegal Quail Hunting $221
Trapping Furbearers without a License (Professional) $296
Trapping Furbearers without a License (Resident) $221
Take or Ship Wildlife, Fish or Eggs without Scientific Collectors Permit $206
Securing Minnows for Commercial use without a Commercial Minnow License $296
Illegal Transport of Minnows out of State $296
Export of Mussels without payment of Severance Fee or required notice $696
Illegal Transport of Minnows into State $296
Hunting without a Hunter Safety Education Card $246
Hunting without a Waterfowl Hunting License $221
Kill or Capture animal or bird by computer assisted remote control, provide or sell comuter assisted remote control hunting $446
Fishing for Trout without a License (Resident) $221
Hunting without Land Owner's consent $246
Carrying of Firearms while training Dogs $296
Head lighting and illegal hunting of Game by use of Motor-driven Land,Air or Water Conveyance (First Offense) $446
Illegal shooting from Road or Railroad Right-of-way $221
Illegal Taking of Furbearers $221
Hunting without required Blaze Orange $221
Illegal destruction of Nest or Eggs $206
Illegally hunting with a Crossbow $246
Illegal obstruction of Persons Hunting, Trapping or Fishing $296
Illegal taking of Bullfrogs $221
Trapping Furbearers without a License (Non-Resident) $696
Fishing for Trout without a License (Non-Resident) $221
Illegal Hunting and Fishing on Fish Hatchery $221
Illegal Sale or Offer for Sale Certain Wildlife and Fish $296
Destroy Raccoon's Den without Land Owner's Consent $221
Illegal Processing, Hunting, Capturing, attempting to take a $296
Hunt,take wildlife from big game commercial hunting facility $1696
Fishing or Hunting by a Habitual Wildlife Offender $696
Illegal Removal of Timber/Sand/Gravel from Wilderness Area $296
Using Motor Driven Conveyance or Device in the Wilderness Area East of Broken Bow Lake $296
Illegal Entry into Wilderness Area $221
Illegal Transport of Wildlife in or out of State $246
Illegal Transport of Game and Fish in or out of State by Common Carrier $221
Import, Sell or Offer for Sale Certain Bird Feathers $296
Illegal Possession of Wildlife During closed Season $296
Non-Commercial Breeding of Wildlife without a License $246
Improper Disposal of Fish Remains $296
Water Pollution $296
Illegal Hunting and use of Firearms on Certain Public Lands $221
Illegal Entry-Game Preserves $221
Illegal Release of Exotic Wildlife $296
Illegal Possession of Quail $221
Traping Furbearers Illegally $221
Hunting Migratory Waterfowl Illegally $221
Illegal Harvesting, Selling, Buying or Exporting Mussels (Non-Resident) $2696
Illegal Harvesting, Selling, Buying or Exporting Mussels (Residents) $296
Cultivation, Import, Transport or placement in water of a Noxious Aquatic Plant $206
Dumping Trash on Public or Private Property without consent (Filed as a Traffic Citiation) $200
Dumping Flaming or Glowing Substance on Public or Private Property without consent during burn ban $4196
Dumping Flaming or Glowing Substance on Public or Private Property without consent $2196
Littering from a Motor Vehicle $285
Littering Flaming or Glowing Substance from a Motor Vehicle $385
Littering Flaming or Glowing Substance from a Motor Vehicle During a Burn Ban $585
Dumping Trash on Public or Private Property without Consent $396
Failure to Give Way to Right when being passed $212
Improper Passing on the Right $212
Passing Withour Sufficient Clearance $212
Thirty-six miles per hour or more over limit $412
One to Ten miles per hour over limit $189
Eleven to Fifteen miles per hour over limit $227
Sixteen to Twenty miles per hour over limit $242
Twenty-one to Twenty-five miles per hour over limit $282
Twenty-six to Thirty miles per hour over limit $342
Thirty-one to Thirty-five miles per hour over limit $362
One to Ten miles per hour over limit $199
Eleven to Fifteen miles per hour over limit $247
Sixteen to Twenty miles per hour over limit $277
Twenty-one to Twenty-five miles per hour over limit $357
Twenty-six to thirty miles per hour over limit $477
Thirty-one to thirty-five miles per hour over limit $517
Thirty-six miles or more miles per hour over limit $617
Unauthorized Driving Left of Center on Divided Four-Lane Roadway $212
Unauthorized Driving Left of Center on (Grades) (Curves) (View Obstructed) $212
Unauthorized Driving Left of Center within 100' of Intersection (Railroad Crossing) $212
Unauthorized Driving Left of Center within 100' of any (Tunnel) (Bridge)(Viaduct) when view is obstructed $212
On Left Side of Road in a Marked Zone $212
Driving Wrong Way on One-way Road $212
Failure to Secure Load $212
Violation of Special Permit $212
Failure to Properly Mark (Explosives) (Flammable) Load $212
Failure to Properly Cover a Load Susceptible to Blowing $212
Operating a Motor Carrier Without Authority $387
Operating a Motor Carrier Without Proper Identification Device $212
Any Violation Relating to the Transportation of Hazardous Materials $662
Operating a Vessel in proximity to another Vessel at a speed of over 10 mph $246
Failure to Possess Current License for Boat and/or Motor $206
Failure to have Motor Properly Muffled $206
Failure to have Motor Equipped with Efficient Flame Arrestor, Backfire Trap and Ventilation $206
Failure to have Proper Fire Extinguisher $206
Failure to have (Readily Accessible) a Proper Lifesaving Device for each Person on Board $206
Failure to have Proper Whistle or Bell $206
Failure to have Proper Lights on Boat $206
Having Regattas, Marine Parades, Boat Races, Diving Events, etc. without Permission in writing from the Department of Public Safety $206
Boat Dealer Failing to /have Dealer's License $196
Failure of Rental Operator to Provide Proper Equipment Lifesaving Devices, etc. on Rental Boats $206
Failure of Boat Rental Place to Keep Proper Records $206
Failure to Display number correctly $206
Intentionally damaging a Vessel or Motor Vehicle;Knowingly making a false theft report; Alteraton of a Certificate of Title, Unauthorized lending of a Certificate of Title;( See Court Clerk for more Details) $206
Reckless or Negligent operation of Vessel or other Device $246
Operation of a Watercraft on Public Waters by a person under 12 years of age $246
Failure ot yield to an Emergency Vessel $246
Operating a Boat while intoxicated or under the influence of Controlled Dangerous Substance $246
Speeding $246
Operating Vessel with Horsepower Capacity Plate exceeding posted or Coast Guard capacity plate $246
Parent or Guardian allowing the operation of their Vessel by a person under 16 years of age who has not been certified to operate the Vessel (First Offense) $246
Failure of Operator involved in accident to render assistance to other party and exchange information $206
Failure to report Boat Accident $206
Towing a Skier between Sunset and Sunrise $206
Failure to provide second person as an observer or and efficient mirror when towing a Skier $206
Operating Motor Boat in area of Diver's Flag $206
Failure of Diver to Display Diver's Flag $206
Illegal Transport or Discharge of Weapon from a Vessel $246
Failure to Yield, Eluding an Officer $396
Improper operation of a Vessel by a person between 12 and 16 years of age $446