Commissioner District 3

The Office of the County Commissioner, District 3

Roads and Bridges

WHITE WATER BRIDGE UPDATE July 8, 2016 The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) is getting closer to being able to put the bridge construction out to bid. All engineering has been completed and right of way has been purchased. A couple of very minor utility relocations are yet to be done but we have been assured by the utility companies that they will be moved before letting of the construction contract. We have been informed by the (ODOT) that the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) study is near completion. This has been a major hurdle and is always one of the required items that takes too much time to complete. All funding sources, state and federal, are tied to the study. ODOT has been extremely helpful in expediting this study realizing this bridge is critical to Delaware County. Channel 2 News met with the Commissioner on July 7, 2016 for an interview regarding the bridge status. Their broadcast was accurate except for one point. There was a miscommunication regarding the timing of the bridge replacement. Their broadcast stated the commissioner indicated that he expected the bridge to be constructed by November 2016. This should have been construction started by November. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. It does appear, barring any unforeseen problems, that ODOT will be able to request bids for construction in September 2016. Shortly after, ODOT will evaluate the bids, select a contractor and start construction. In the interim, we will continue to do everything possible to keep the detour safe. We understand the inconvenience and appreciate your patience. We will also update the progress as new information is received.

WHITEWATER BRIDGE UPDATE August 29, 2016 per Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Still on course for November 2016 START of construction. Call Order: 135 Contract ID: 160344 Bid Letting Date: September 15, 2016 PCN: 32598(04) Letting Time: 10:30 A.M. Counties: DELAWARE Projects: ACERSTP-221C(032)ER DBE/WBE Goals: 0.00 Guaranty: 5% OF BID TOTAL Plan Price: $15.17 Calendar Days: 75 Contract Description: BRIDGE AND APPROACHES — COUNTY ROAD (EW-33): OVER WHITEWATER CREEK, 0.7 MILES EAST OF US-59 NEAR GROVE. PROJECT LENGTH = 0.213 MILE.

Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) opened bids for the Whitewater Bridge Project on September 15, 2016. Several bids were received and the ODOT Commission will award the bid at their October 3, 2016 meeting. Further updates will follow the October 3, 2016 ODOT Commission meeting.